
Project NameProject Description
1. AFG/88/001/NER/APQ/381Rehabilitation of Lower Birtaka Canal in Helmand province, Funded by UNDP/OPS
2. QAH/NER/06/93Wheat seed distribution in Ghorak district of Kandahar province. Funded by FAO
3. AFG/342/1994Maize, ben seeds and fertilizer distribution in Kandahar province. Funded by FAO
4. AFG/88/001/NER/APQ/412Rehabilitation of Kandahar Train Kot road protection wall at Dailanoor. Funded by UNDP
5. AFG/NER/APP/462Rehabilitation of Khost – Jaji maidan road in Khost Province, Funded by UNDP.
6. QDH/94001/2413/QIP/NERAgriculture improving in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, funded by UNHCR.
7. AFG/Q/94058/2413/NERAgricultural improving project in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, funded by WFP.
8. QHN/CPA/NER/08/94Distribution of Wheat seed and Fertilizer in Ghorak district of Kandahar province funded by FAO.
9. QAN/NER/134/95Improving of irrigation system if  in Dand District of Kandahar Province, funded by UNOPS
10.  QAN/NER/182/95Reconstruction of two irrigation Intakes in Arghandab district of Kandahar Province, funded by UNOPS.
11. QAN/NER/192/95Improving irrigation system in Arghandab by rehabilitation of 6 cross drainages structure in Arghandab district of Kandahar Funded by OPS
12. QAN/NER/237/96Rehabilitation of 8 Aqueducts in Daman district of Kandahar Province, Funded by UNOPS
13. PROJECT AGREEMENTRepairing of 4.7 km Road in Kandahar city, funded by WFP/UNHCR
14. QDH/NER/052/96Provision of Transportation facilities in Zaranj city of Nimroz Province, Funded by UNHCR
15. AFG/69/003/QAN/NER/20Construction of 22 culverts in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, Funded by UNOPS
16. PROJECT AGREEMENTRepairing of Road and Flood protection dyke in Zaranj city of Nimroz Province by WFP/UNHCR
17. AFG/96/003/QAN/NER/89Provision of Education facilities and rehabilitation of 5 community centers in Khaki Safid district of Farah Province, funded by UNOPS
18. C28/QAN/NER/056                 Construction of Khakrez District Shura House in Kandahar Province, Funded by UNDCP
19. PROJECT AGREEMENT        Water supply and Hygiene Education project in Naubahar district of Zabul Province, Funded by SDC/UNICEF
20. JOINT VENTURE AGR.        Rehabilitation and Cleaning of 60 Karezes in Maiwand district of Kandahar Province, Funded by WFP.
21. PROJECT AGREEMENT       Water supply and hygiene Education project in Naubahar district of Zabul Province, Funded by UNICEF.   
22. PROJECT AGREEMENConstruction of GTZ where house in Kandahar city, funded by GTZ
23. HOA/Q/06/2002/ DA/NERU  Rehabilitation of agriculture in Gizab district of Urozgan province. Funded by WFP
24. AFG/96/003/NERU/742Construction of cut off wall for Sra Ghundai Karezin Shega district of Kandahar province. Funded by UNOPS
25. AX/ZTQ/6/017-NERUEmergency Assistance to Drought Affected and IDP Families in Tarin kot and Naubahar Districts of Urozgan and Zabul province. Funded by DUTCH
26. PROJECT AGREEMENTWater supply and Hygiene Education project in Ghorghori District Nimroz province funded by UNICEF
27. PROJECT AGREEMENTRehabilitation of Manja canal intake and Protection wall, in Kandahar, funded by UNOPS
28. OA/76/2002/DAFD/ NERU     Rehabilitation of karezes in Urozgan Province, funded by WFP
29. HAO/Q/115/ScF/NERUSchool feeding and teacher training project in three districts of Nimroz and Kandahar provinces, Funded by WFP
30. Project AgreementConstruction of WFP store in Buldak district of Kandahar province.
31. HAO/88/NERURehabilitation of general irrigation system in Gizab district of Urozgan province funded by WFP.
32. PROJECT GREEMENTRehabilitation of 15 KM road in Kandahar, funded by JICA
33. Q/115/ScF/NERUSchool Feeding  and teacher training project in three district of Urozgan province, funded by WFP
34. AETF2002-NL2-NERUConstruction of Safid Khar School in Tarinkot of Urozgan Province funded by UNAMA
35. PROJECT GREEMENTDrilling of 59 shallow wells in Kijran district of Urozgan Province, Funded by RRD Kabul
36. Q/016/FFW/NERURehabilitation of 23 irrigation Canals in Shajoi district of Zabul province, Funded by WFP
37. Q/145/04/FFW/NERUFood for work project of 20 km Road in Maywand District of Kandahar Province
38. Project AgreementProvision of Basic services and Capacity building and training of CDCs in Dehrawood and Tarinkot of Urozgan Province, Funded by DCU/ZOA
39. Project AgreementEmergency Assistance to the drought affected people in Shinkey district of Zabul province, funded by WFP
40. Project AgreementEmergency Assistance to the drought affected People in Attghar district of Zabul province funded by WFP
41. Q/121/04/FFW/NERUEmergency Assistance to the drought affected people in Surrai district of Zabul Province funded by WFP.
42. USG/NERU/ORZ/001            Drilling of 59 hand wells including hand pumps in Kijran district of Urozgan Province funded by MRRD.
43. 04/NERU.AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/26/85Construction of 50 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 50 latrines in sha joy, seyori, Shamal Zai and Qalat districts of Zabul Province.
44. Project AgreementsConstruction of UNICEF warehouse boundary wall city of Kandahar Province funded by UNICEF.
45. Project AgreementsProvision of Education facilities by construction of School in Boldak district of Kandahar Province funded by SFL/USAID.
46. Project AgreementConstruction of Hot climates Schools in Garamser districtof Helmand Province funded by USAID
47. 05/NERU/AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/05Provision of safe drinking water by drilling  of 30 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 47 latrines ,hygiene kits in Keti and Sangtakht Bander Districts, of Daikondi Province.
48. 05/NERU/AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/05Construction of 35 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 54 latrines in Chora, Tarinkot and Gezab Districts, of Urozgan Province.
49. Project AgreementProvision of Basic Services and capacity building in Tarinkot of Urozgan province
50. Project AgreementEqual Finance ceiling project in Gizab district of Urozgan Province
51. Project AgreementWater survey in Tarinkot of Urozgan province Funded by ZOA
52. Project AgreementWater supply and Hygiene Education in Tarinkot funded by ZOA
53. Project AgreementImproving general irrigation system, water supply H&S Education and training of CDC in Tarinkot of Urozgan ,funded by DCU
54. Project AgreementProvision of Basic Services and capacity building in Tarinkot of Urozgan province
55. Stationery ProjectDistribution of Stationery to School Students girls and Boys in Kabul City2023