Project Name | Project Description |
1. AFG/88/001/NER/APQ/381 | Rehabilitation of Lower Birtaka Canal in Helmand province, Funded by UNDP/OPS |
2. QAH/NER/06/93 | Wheat seed distribution in Ghorak district of Kandahar province. Funded by FAO |
3. AFG/342/1994 | Maize, ben seeds and fertilizer distribution in Kandahar province. Funded by FAO |
4. AFG/88/001/NER/APQ/412 | Rehabilitation of Kandahar Train Kot road protection wall at Dailanoor. Funded by UNDP |
5. AFG/NER/APP/462 | Rehabilitation of Khost – Jaji maidan road in Khost Province, Funded by UNDP. |
6. QDH/94001/2413/QIP/NER | Agriculture improving in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, funded by UNHCR. |
7. AFG/Q/94058/2413/NER | Agricultural improving project in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, funded by WFP. |
8. QHN/CPA/NER/08/94 | Distribution of Wheat seed and Fertilizer in Ghorak district of Kandahar province funded by FAO. |
9. QAN/NER/134/95 | Improving of irrigation system if in Dand District of Kandahar Province, funded by UNOPS |
10. QAN/NER/182/95 | Reconstruction of two irrigation Intakes in Arghandab district of Kandahar Province, funded by UNOPS. |
11. QAN/NER/192/95 | Improving irrigation system in Arghandab by rehabilitation of 6 cross drainages structure in Arghandab district of Kandahar Funded by OPS |
12. QAN/NER/237/96 | Rehabilitation of 8 Aqueducts in Daman district of Kandahar Province, Funded by UNOPS |
13. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Repairing of 4.7 km Road in Kandahar city, funded by WFP/UNHCR |
14. QDH/NER/052/96 | Provision of Transportation facilities in Zaranj city of Nimroz Province, Funded by UNHCR |
15. AFG/69/003/QAN/NER/20 | Construction of 22 culverts in Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, Funded by UNOPS |
16. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Repairing of Road and Flood protection dyke in Zaranj city of Nimroz Province by WFP/UNHCR |
17. AFG/96/003/QAN/NER/89 | Provision of Education facilities and rehabilitation of 5 community centers in Khaki Safid district of Farah Province, funded by UNOPS |
18. C28/QAN/NER/056 | Construction of Khakrez District Shura House in Kandahar Province, Funded by UNDCP |
19. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Water supply and Hygiene Education project in Naubahar district of Zabul Province, Funded by SDC/UNICEF |
20. JOINT VENTURE AGR. | Rehabilitation and Cleaning of 60 Karezes in Maiwand district of Kandahar Province, Funded by WFP. |
21. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Water supply and hygiene Education project in Naubahar district of Zabul Province, Funded by UNICEF. |
22. PROJECT AGREEMEN | Construction of GTZ where house in Kandahar city, funded by GTZ |
23. HOA/Q/06/2002/ DA/NERU | Rehabilitation of agriculture in Gizab district of Urozgan province. Funded by WFP |
24. AFG/96/003/NERU/742 | Construction of cut off wall for Sra Ghundai Karezin Shega district of Kandahar province. Funded by UNOPS |
25. AX/ZTQ/6/017-NERU | Emergency Assistance to Drought Affected and IDP Families in Tarin kot and Naubahar Districts of Urozgan and Zabul province. Funded by DUTCH |
26. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Water supply and Hygiene Education project in Ghorghori District Nimroz province funded by UNICEF |
27. PROJECT AGREEMENT | Rehabilitation of Manja canal intake and Protection wall, in Kandahar, funded by UNOPS |
28. OA/76/2002/DAFD/ NERU | Rehabilitation of karezes in Urozgan Province, funded by WFP |
29. HAO/Q/115/ScF/NERU | School feeding and teacher training project in three districts of Nimroz and Kandahar provinces, Funded by WFP |
30. Project Agreement | Construction of WFP store in Buldak district of Kandahar province. |
31. HAO/88/NERU | Rehabilitation of general irrigation system in Gizab district of Urozgan province funded by WFP. |
32. PROJECT GREEMENT | Rehabilitation of 15 KM road in Kandahar, funded by JICA |
33. Q/115/ScF/NERU | School Feeding and teacher training project in three district of Urozgan province, funded by WFP |
34. AETF2002-NL2-NERU | Construction of Safid Khar School in Tarinkot of Urozgan Province funded by UNAMA |
35. PROJECT GREEMENT | Drilling of 59 shallow wells in Kijran district of Urozgan Province, Funded by RRD Kabul |
36. Q/016/FFW/NERU | Rehabilitation of 23 irrigation Canals in Shajoi district of Zabul province, Funded by WFP |
37. Q/145/04/FFW/NERU | Food for work project of 20 km Road in Maywand District of Kandahar Province |
38. Project Agreement | Provision of Basic services and Capacity building and training of CDCs in Dehrawood and Tarinkot of Urozgan Province, Funded by DCU/ZOA |
39. Project Agreement | Emergency Assistance to the drought affected people in Shinkey district of Zabul province, funded by WFP |
40. Project Agreement | Emergency Assistance to the drought affected People in Attghar district of Zabul province funded by WFP |
41. Q/121/04/FFW/NERU | Emergency Assistance to the drought affected people in Surrai district of Zabul Province funded by WFP. |
42. USG/NERU/ORZ/001 | Drilling of 59 hand wells including hand pumps in Kijran district of Urozgan Province funded by MRRD. |
43. 04/NERU.AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/26/85 | Construction of 50 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 50 latrines in sha joy, seyori, Shamal Zai and Qalat districts of Zabul Province. |
44. Project Agreements | Construction of UNICEF warehouse boundary wall city of Kandahar Province funded by UNICEF. |
45. Project Agreements | Provision of Education facilities by construction of School in Boldak district of Kandahar Province funded by SFL/USAID. |
46. Project Agreement | Construction of Hot climates Schools in Garamser districtof Helmand Province funded by USAID |
47. 05/NERU/AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/05 | Provision of safe drinking water by drilling of 30 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 47 latrines ,hygiene kits in Keti and Sangtakht Bander Districts, of Daikondi Province. |
48. 05/NERU/AFG/MRRD/ UNHCR/UNDP/05 | Construction of 35 Water Points (Tube Wells) and 54 latrines in Chora, Tarinkot and Gezab Districts, of Urozgan Province. |
49. Project Agreement | Provision of Basic Services and capacity building in Tarinkot of Urozgan province |
50. Project Agreement | Equal Finance ceiling project in Gizab district of Urozgan Province |
51. Project Agreement | Water survey in Tarinkot of Urozgan province Funded by ZOA |
52. Project Agreement | Water supply and Hygiene Education in Tarinkot funded by ZOA |
53. Project Agreement | Improving general irrigation system, water supply H&S Education and training of CDC in Tarinkot of Urozgan ,funded by DCU |
54. Project Agreement | Provision of Basic Services and capacity building in Tarinkot of Urozgan province |
55. Stationery Project | Distribution of Stationery to School Students girls and Boys in Kabul City2023 |